dog getting a haircut

Dog Training Certification Course

Congratulations on Choosing to Explore a Career as a Professional Dog Trainer!

There's never been a better time to become a professional dog trainer! All over, training schools are booked to capacity and clients are being put on waiting lists. Entering the market as a qualified professional dog trainer is almost a guaranteed stable income!

Do you have what it takes to become a professional dog trainer? Does this sound like you?

  • You love all dogs, big and small
  • You're able to interact with all types of dogs calmly and carefully
  • You're agile and are able to stand on your feet for hours at a time
  • You understand that dogs are individuals with their own needs and wants, and are willing to learn how to work with them
  • You're good with people too, and are eager to teach people as well as dogs

If this list describes you in a nutshell, then you're in the right place!

QC's online dog training course will prepare you in every way for a successful career as a professional dog trainer. You'll learn everything from dog behavior and communication to scientifically proven training methods to addressing unwanted behaviors in dogs.

This is not a paint-by-numbers course. You will take the time to learn and understand how dogs learn so that you can then decipher the best method to teach any dog. Using a Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach, you'll become an expert problem solver who can handle any training situation.

Whether your goal is to launch your own dog training business, work for an established training school, freelance your services, or simply become an expert to train your own dog(s), you'll gain all the skills to achieve your goals.

Even though this is an online course, you'll complete tons of hands-on assignments designed to enhance your training experience. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to work with an expert to develop your skills!

IDTP International Dog Training Professional logo

Your Certification

Upon graduation, you'll receive the International Dog Training Professional™ (IDTP™) Certification. With your certification and professional title, you'll be ready to start your own business or work for an established training school right away!

Course Syllabus

The Dog Training Course is split into five parts, each containing individual learning units.

You must complete a unit with a satisfactory grade before you can submit assignments for the next unit.

Part 1: Units A–D

The first part of the dog training course is largely theory-based. Before you start learning specific training methods and techniques, you must first become an expert in canine behavior, communication, and learning theory. In these first four units you'll build those foundations with your tutor.

Once you have a fundamental understanding of how dogs learn, why dogs do the things they do, and what behaviors are normal/abnormal, you'll be able to better understand and appreciate the training techniques and methods in Part 2 of the course!

Even though these units deal in theory, don't worry! You'll have plenty of video content and fun hands-on assignments along the way!

Video Sample
Assignment Sample

Assignment C1

Reading Signals

View the assignment sample below to discover more about what you'll learn in Part 1 of the course. Click on the labels to see how you'll complete your assignments online.

View Assignment

Unit A

In the first unit of the dog training course, you'll meet your tutor and learn about the fundamentals of dog training. This introductory unit includes on overview of the dog training industry and a background in the fundamentals of ethical and safe training.

Unit B

In this unit, you'll begin to learn about canine behavior. Unit B will introduce you to canine ethology – the study of natural canine behavior. You'll discover how a dog's breeding history and stage of development will affect his behavior. In particular, you'll learn about how effective socialization as a puppy can impact a dog's behavior throughout his whole life.

Unit C

Unit C of your dog training course focuses on canine communication. You'll learn all about the signals that dogs use to communicate. Explore how you can use these signals to improve your training methods and provide a safe, comfortable training space for dogs. This unit will also each you how to use canine communication to improve the relationships between dogs and their owners.

Unit D

In Unit D of your dog training course, you'll learn about the learning theory behind effective dog training methods. You'll discover how dogs learn by making associations between different stimuli and by understanding the consequences associated with their own actions. Then you'll explore how to apply this learning theory to your training programs. You'll learn positive reinforcement methods, clicker training and much more!

Part 2: Units E-F

Now that you understand the fundamentals of dog communication and learning theory, you're ready to learn all about training principles. In this section of the course you'll learn the six core training methods used to create new behaviors: luring, targeting, shaping, modeling, capturing, and mimicry. You'll discover how different types of dogs can react to different methods, and how it'll be your job to utilize the best method to suit each dog.

You'll learn about how to motivate dogs to learn, and how to properly use reinforcement schedules to achieve the best (and quickest) outcome. You'll also get a crash course in different training tools and how to use them safely.

In the last section of the course you'll learn methods and techniques you can use to address unwanted behaviors. Always remember, the goal in any situation is to use tools and techniques designed to encourage a dog to make good choices!

Video Sample
Assignment Sample

Assignment F3

something something unwanted behaviors

View the assignment sample below to see how you'll practice training methods in this part of the course.

View Assignment

Unit E

Once you reach Unit E of your online dog training course, you're ready to put everything you've learned into action. You'll learn about the six training methods, all based in positive reinforcement, you can use to teach dogs new behaviors. Discover how to effectively motivate dogs to perform these behaviors and how to use reinforcement schedules in dog training.

Unit F

In Unit F, you'll learn how to safely use common training tools when you work with dogs. You'll discover common tools to help with leash training and crate training and learn how to teach your clients to use these tools at home. You'll also learn how experienced trainers use these tools and other techniques to change a dog's unwanted behaviors.

Part 3: Unit G

Once you've mastered how to train dogs, you have to start thinking about how to teach people. As a professional dog trainer, this will often be your biggest challenge. Being an expert in dog behavior and training isn't enough: You have to teach people how to use your methods to train their own dogs!

In this part of the course you'll learn about how to effectively work with different types of clients, and how to run group training classes. You'll receive tips on how to develop training plans, and how to avoid common training pitfalls.

This part of the course will transform you from a great dog trainer into a great teacher!

Video Sample
Assignment Sample

Assignment G6

Teaching a Group Class

View the assignment sample below to find out how you'll be assessed in your abilities to teach people to train their own dogs.

View Assignment

Part 4: Business Essentials (Optional)

You've learned and practiced all the skills you need to successfully work as a dog trainer. Now it's time to turn your finely honed skills into a business! The business training offered in this course is optional. However, this training will be hugely beneficial to your career if you intend to start your own training business, or if you're looking to get a job working for an established trainer.

In this unit, you'll learn to get your business off the ground. You'll cover important first steps, such as naming your business, finding insurance and creating a business plan. You'll learn all about different marketing techniques and how to use them effectively. You'll read up on essential skills for working with clients and selling your services. Even if launching your business isn't in your immediate future, take advantage of wonderful opportunity to kickstart your business when you're ready to take that step.

Video Sample
Assignment Sample

Assignment H3

Creating a Business Plan

View the assignment sample below to see how the course will help you answer key questions before launching your dog training business.

View Assignment

Part 5: CPDT Exam Prep (optional)

The Certification Council of Pet Dog Trainers (CCPDT) is the gold standard organization for dog training certifications. Any dog trainer can write their exam to become a Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT), and as a QC student you are greatly encouraged to pursue this certification!

In this final part of the course, you will prepare for the CPDT exam with the help of QC's tutors. You will gain helpful tips on how to prepare for the exam, get insight on the types of exam questions you'll encounter, and even complete a handy 20-question practice quiz to make sure you're ready for your exam!

For a full course outline, including required dog breeds, tools, and completion times, please see the dog training course curriculum.

Tuition & Payment Plans

Includes everything you need to get started!

  • Certification upon graduation
  • 21-day money-back guarantee
  • Lifetime access

Installment Plan

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Deposit of $99
18 monthly payments of $133.27

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Pay in Full

One-Time Payment

SAVE $400
When you pay in full

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Prices are listed in US dollars.

Learn from Dog Training Experts

QC's dog training course was developed with the assistance of Kim Cooper.

Kim Cooper is the owner and senior instructor at Best Friends Dog Training. Kim pursued her passion to become a professional dog trainer after earning a degree in aerospace engineering and serving as an officer in the Air Force for fourteen successful years. Now, with 35 years of training experience, Kim competes in obedience, agility, tracking, and other sports with her own dogs—all using motivational, reward-based training methods. In particular, Kim loves to foster the special partnership that exists between a working dog and its handler, and specializes in training search-and-rescue dogs. Kim and her dogs have earned many search-and-rescue certifications as well as obedience and agility titles.

Your Dog Training Tutors

dog-training expert, Shannon Noonan

Shannon Noonan

Certified Dog Trainer (KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA)
10 Years of Experience

Shannon first started working with dogs when she started fostering with Ottawa Dog Rescue. Through this organization, Shannon adopted her first dog, Blue, a Great Dane/pointer mix. Shannon and Blue learned about formal dog training together. This pair went on to found the first official Therapy Dog program at Carleton University, a program that remains popular today. Now, Shannon is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, and owns her own dog training business with her Dalmatian, Elroy. Shannon and Elroy share a passion for teaching other humans and dogs about training, obedience and agility. Shannon is excited to ignite this same passion for training in QC's dog training students.

dog-training expert, Susan Read

Susan Read

Certified Dog Trainer
35 Years of Experience

Susan has been training dogs for over 35 years. She specializes in Search and Rescue (SAR) work, but Susan's experience extends to competitive obedience, rally and agility training as well. Susan has been teaching tracking for many years, and conducts workshops across Ontario. She has been involved with K9 SAR since 2000, and is now the head K9 trainer and handler with Georgian Bay SAR. Susan is also the Provincial K9 Coordinator and sits on the Ontario Search and Rescue Volunteer Association (OSARVA) Board of Directors. Susan is currently the only OPP/OSARVA certified dog handler in Central Ontario with her live find dog, Zena. She has also worked with Human Remains Detection K9 with her dog, Zappa, since 2014. As a former school teacher and a highly experienced dog training instructor, Susan looks forward to using her significant teaching experience to benefit QC's dog training students.

Advanced Career Path

Dog Behavior Certification Course

Would you like to upgrade your dog training education? Learn the behavior modification and consultation skills you need to identify and change your pup clients' most disruptive behaviors. You'll build on your foundation in dog training and learn how to deal with advanced concerns like anxiety, phobias, reactivity, and even aggression.

You'll complete loads of hands-on assignments designed to enhance your training experience. You'll take the time to learn and develop a deeper understanding of dog communication so you can effectively decipher the best methods to help any dog overcome their problem behaviors.

Hear why instructor Kim Cooper believes the Behavior Modification course is a great way to advance your dog-training career.

Whether your goal is to launch your own business or work for an established training school, you'll gain all the skills and knowledge you need to feel confident in your new career! QC's advanced online dog behavior course teaches specialized behavior modification skills so you'll be ready to help any dog that comes your way.

Please note, Dog Behavior is an advanced certification program and requires students to have successfully completed QC's Dog Training course as a prerequisite. View the course outline for the Dog Behaviour Course.